Wijaya Caspla Buyuk

Wijaya Caspla Buyuk

Wijaya Caspla Buyuk departs daily (in the morning) from Lembongan to Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air and Lombok (Bangsal). 

The boat then returns to Lembongan. Use the search box at the top of this page to check seat availability and prices and book your tickets from Lembongan to the Gilis and Lombok.

Wijaya Caspla BuyukLembongan to Gili Islands 

Wijaya Caspla Buyuk departs daily (in the morning) from Lembongan to Gili Trawangan and Gili Air
The crossing takes about 2h30 from Lembongan to Gili Trawangan and 3h15 to Gili Air. 

The boat also travels from Gili Trawangan and Gili Air to Lembongan
The crossing from Gili Trawangan to Lembongan takes about 4h00. The crossing from Gili Air takes about 3h30. 
You can also see the current schedule by clicking on the map towards the top of this page.
NOTE: Up to the 1st of June 2024, the boat sails via Penida

Lembongan to Lombok

Wijaya Caspla Buyuk departs daily (in the morning) from Lembongan to Lombok (Bangsal). 
The crossing takes about 3h45. 

The boat also travels from Lombok to Lembongan
The crossing takes about 3h00. 
NOTE:  Up to the 1st of June 2024, the boat sails via Penida

Lombok Hotel Transfers

Most of the main tourist regions are covered in Lombok: Senggigi, Mataram, Lombok Airport, Kuta Lombok, Gerupuk, Mawun, Selong Belanak, Air Guling, BatuJangkih, Senaru, Sembalun, Tete batu, Ekas, Sekotong, Lembar.
You can fill in your hotel details during the booking process. The boat company will confirm the pickup time with you shortly after you have booked.
Boat Facilities
Luggage Room
Boat Specifications Hb
Boat CAPACITY 90 passengers
Life Jacket for Adult 110 pcs
Life Jacket for Child 15 pcs
Life Craff 3pcs (capacity of  40 passengers each)
5 Suzuki Enggine @300HP


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